Scumbags in asia. Vietnam 2016

With tourists like these, who needs enemies..

I revisit Cambodia and talk about the low quality of tourists that generally plague poor Asian countries.

There seems to be a big distinction in the people who WANT to visit Southeast Asia and can’t because they have careers and viable skills in the west.

And those that are here long term.

The former are usually stuck in cubicles in the west watching videos on Vietnam and Cambodia. Shoutout to all my viewers.

Whilst the no hopers with no viable skills fit for the western marketplace (apart from ‘speaking english’) are free to come here in droves and stay long term like an incurable disease.

Dalat city. Vietnam Travel video.

Dalat is a popular tourist town and the capital of the Central Highlands. It is sometimes referred to as the French Alps of Vietnam. The fertile soil and high altitude and temperate climate also make it one of Vietnam’s premier agricultural areas with everything grown here from artichokes to strawberries and coffee.
The many lakes, waterfalls and lush forest scenery make it a popular place for photographers.
Just make sure you don’t freeze your balls off.

Vietnam Travel 2015. Explore the Best Parts of modern day Vietnam!

Explore modern day Vietnam with me!

I pilot a scooter from Saigon to Hanoi. And back again.
Beautiful country. Beautiful landscapes. Beautiful people.
Please enjoy.

This is a comprehensive travel journal looking at life in Vietnam in the modern day. I journey from major cities and tourist attractions in Saigon and Hanoi all the way to the furthest reaches of the outback wilderness miles from civilisation. In some places I didn’t see people or even cows or chickens for over four hours.
At times I nearly shit myself imagining the nightmare scenarios like getting a snake bite or a puncture out there.
Thank Buddha it all turned out rosy.

Also the brutal roads by night are not captured here but let me tell you it was a bit terrifying at times overtaking trucks and buses in a slither of a dirt lane in the dark. Forget streetlights. I had to rely purely on human eyesight. (As an Asian that’s never a good thing).
One rock in the wrong spot and you end up as Vietnamese roadkill.
But enough of the dark side!
The awe inspiring landscapes and scenery were indeed spectacular. But they played second fiddle to the spirit of the Vietnamese people that I witnessed from all corners of the country.
These cats are the most resourceful, industrious and cheerful bunch I’ve ever seen. Most are over the moon to see someone make the effort to come out and visit their unique patch of dirt.
I’ve never been made to feel more special and welcome than in the furthest reaches of the nation. Old ladies, smart kids, grumpy old men and curious farm hands all make this a unique and wondrous country full of hidden gems and treasures.

Vietnam Travel 2015 in HD.