Scumbags in asia. Vietnam 2016

With tourists like these, who needs enemies..

I revisit Cambodia and talk about the low quality of tourists that generally plague poor Asian countries.

There seems to be a big distinction in the people who WANT to visit Southeast Asia and can’t because they have careers and viable skills in the west.

And those that are here long term.

The former are usually stuck in cubicles in the west watching videos on Vietnam and Cambodia. Shoutout to all my viewers.

Whilst the no hopers with no viable skills fit for the western marketplace (apart from ‘speaking english’) are free to come here in droves and stay long term like an incurable disease.

6 thoughts on “Scumbags in asia. Vietnam 2016

    • I’ve watched a few of your videos. Having taken three trips to Vietnam, I can appreciate Troys videos & point of view about Vietnam as a culture , and sensitivity towards the people. I will be returning to Hanoi sometime in 2020. As a motorcyclist, would love to find someone like Troy on a motorbike for a walkabout around N. Vietnam.

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